Monday, June 29, 2009

Changeover Dinner

Penguin Lions & LEOs gathered at Penguin Primary School on June 27th for the annual change of office bearers.

Outgoing Presidents Stewart and Megan reported successful years for Lions and LEOs respectively, with a aft of projects completed within our community.

Incoming Presidents Wendy and Emily spoke of their hopes for the coming year.

The installation of office bearers was conducted by PDG Don Brady, with one exception - Past President Lindy Mundy installed Don as First Vice President.... a job well done all round..

Master of Ceremonies for the evening was Des Hiscutt, who regaled us with a range of jokes and stories on the way through....

One high point of the evening was the LEO Club slave auction, run by Lion/LEO Sarah. Four LEOs were sold off amid much laughter and fierce bidding, raising over $120 toward LEO members attending the MD Convention in Sydney next year. Talents on offer ranged from dog walking to household tasks, with LEO Tynelle fetching a good price because of her ironing skills!! LEO Rachel fetched the highest price, possibly because of the amount of potential she has to do anything. (Potential and capacity may differ however!)

We had the pleasure inducting new members - new Lion Frank Pearson and new LEO Dylan Smith joined our ranks... welcome to both!!

Outgoing President Stewart presented awards - Melvin Jones Fellowships were presented to Val Kerger and Nanette McNeair for long and dedicated service to Lions, Tasmanian Lions Foundation Fellowship to Noeleen Stringer for outstanding service to the club, and a Graham Pearce Award to Tim Cooper for his work in and with the LEO Club over many years.

A pleasant evening, good company and plenty of fun.....